Fitness in the Land of Quarantine

So today was the day. I finally called and cancelled my gym membership. It’s a shame, too. I had just reinstated that thing maybe 2 months prior to everything shutting down due to Covid-19. I actually have very good, on and off, love hate, up down relationship with the gym. A few years ago, I even went thru training and became a certified Personal Trainer (but that was long ago LOL). But this time was different. I think… it had only been 2 months. But I was going. Consistently, thank you very much. Even hired me a personal trainer and everything (…actually, I’m still fighting to get out of that contract! Really shouldn’t be so difficult in a time where people are literally getting sick and dying from a disease that still has no cure… like “NO, gym! I do not want to continue paying almost $300 a month to work out and sweat on mats someone else just used, with dumbbells someone else just touched, and a jump rope someone else just squeezed… aanndd the pool and sauna and locker rooms are closed? Ugh… I digress.)

fitness in the land of quarantine

Fitness in the land of Quarantine can be a difficult, murky, place but still, a necessary consideration. In fact, there are multiple studies and articles floating around the internet that are talking about the “Quarantine 15” and how easy it’s been to pack on the poundage during these unsettling times. But does that really have to be the case? I mean, sure many of us are choosing not to go the chain-style gym route, but surely there are alternatives, right?

So what to do when you’re trying to stay safe and still be fit? I’ve rounded up a few suggestions that I’ve found helpful since as you see above, me and mine have parted ways. You may or may not already be instituting some of these in your own fitness routine, but if not, feel free to adopt a few!

Walking Outside (yes, that simple)

Yep. Just as simple as opening up your front door, and taking yourself right on outside. Now this may admittedly be easier or more difficult depending on your current location, but hopefully you are somewhere that at least has some outside accessible. A park, a lake, a neighborhood, a strip mall. Something! Whatever you have, as long as you can feel relatively safe and secure, take a walk.

Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training.

Better Health

Online Fitness Subscriptions

Another viable options is subscribing to one of the many only fitness subscriptions such as Beach Body, or Daily Burn. Those are 2 of the well known options that you can use via phone or through devices such as Amazon Firestick. But there are others as well! The following list all come in at around $10 a month or less and are a good options to consider:

Create your Own Gym

One of the main reasons I cancelled my gym membership was because of all of the hands touching all of the things. But because I still want to exercise and strength train and cardio it up – I still want all of the things! Now I’m not going to be able to just up and buy a Bowflex or Peloton or some other heavy, expensive machinery… but a few things of a smaller nature can still get me right. Here are a few of my favs, including the cute water bottle waist belt I’m rocking in the main pic:

So we agree, right? No need for any of us to join that Quarantine 15. There are more than enough options to keep you moving and sweating as if Covid never happened. Are you willing to try any of the options above? Have any other ideas to add to the list? Let me know in the comments!

* This post contains affiliate links meaning if you purchase an item using my link, I may receive a small commission.

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