

Whether it’s coaching a client in boosting their confidence or assisting a small business pull together their social media strategy, my primary goal remains the same:

Leading you to where the confidence you’ve always wanted meets the confidence that’s been there all along.

So while the opportunities available to work together may change, always know that I’m going to leave you better than I found you…

Cute, Curvy, & Confident

My signature five-week course, Cute, Curvy, & Confident, empowers women ready for a change to push past procrastination, overcome overwhelm and false limiting beliefs, focus on self-care, and cultivate the confidence needed to step into their true purpose.

Schedule your free 1:1 mini chat today to see if we’re a good fit for this next session. Class begins November 27th.

Let’s become confident together.



Group coaching not quite your thing? That’s OK, it’s not for everybody. 1on1 coaching allows for total privacy, focused attention, and personalized results. A minimum of three sessions are recommended for 1on1 coaching.


Are you a small business owner struggling to wear all of the hats and pull it all together? Perhaps a small business strategy session is in order. We review your business goals, audit your social media presence, and map out a blueprint for your success.


“I know how I feel inside, but it doesn’t match how I look outside.” Sound familiar? It might be time for an image audit! Let’s chat wardrobe, self-care, and beauty! Whether it’s a virtual shopping trip or a makeup class, book your style consultation to finally look how you feel.

There is no force more Powerful than a Woman determined to Be


cute, curvy, & confident graduate

“I took the course 2 times and I am so glad that I did because that limiting beliefs section is POWERFUL”

 I love the course content and feel that anyone that joins can benefit… They have to participate in the discussions and do the work, look in the mirror, clean out the closet, write those words, face those fears, that is what helped me is still helping me to this day.

– Denise

cute, curvy, & confident graduate

“Trust the process, it’s amazing what you learn about yourself and that you are not alone.”

The course was an amazing journey and just like purchasing that Louis Vuitton bag or anything else that you just have to have, it’s well worth every penny and will last a lifetime as long as you use it and take care of it daily.

– Ruby

let’s get started

Know that you want to work together, but not quite sure where to begin? No worries! We can figure it out together. You start: